People have many misconceptions about human trafficking which can delay the rescue of a person who is being trafficked. How many of these misconceptions do you have? Time for a […]
Planning that Wins
The real estate market continues to be HOT because there is a limited supply of homes available for those who want one. The inflation and worldwide struggles has yet to […]
Asking, Seeking, and Knocking
RRC leadership has chosen to start looking for the HOME.
Will you join us in asking, seeking, knocking for: His steps to be clear to us, lead us to make offer on the home He has chosen, to get all approvals needed??
Rescued from Darkness
Life is FULL of struggle, heartache, and loss. Some even seem to suffer more than most. Like those abused as children and then being lost in drug addiction, human trafficking, and […]
Living Victorious
I was never going to get a tattoo. Well… that changed. Far too long I tried to survive under the loneliness & hurts I was stuck- like it was my […]
Finding Happiness with Jesus
Growing up in the 80’s, I was greatly influenced by the cultural message that Gillette introduced in 1984 with the tagline, “never let them see you sweat”. The idea was […]