We are fighting an industry that hides in plain sight.
It is shattering lives, destroying families, and rendering victims hopeless and isolated.
Human Trafficking is a large, very complex issue that is entangled in many other issues like broken families, cultural sexualization, drugs, runaways, etc.
- Domestic Human Trafficking is documented in all 72 counties of WI
- Guesstimates of 300,000 US citizens are forced into prostitution/ trafficking annually
- 66-90% of adults in the sex industry were victims of child abuse and/or trafficking
- Victims need a complex & comprehensive set of services because of the many layers of trauma they endured
- There are about 115 restoration homes currently in the USA
This industry is domestic human trafficking; its leaders are the pimps/traffickers, the products are human lives, and the demand of buyers is growing exponentially through the ease and anonymity of technology. It may seem overwhelming, but together we truly can make a difference.
Together, we are able to love, restore, and support women victims of domestic sex trafficking into beautiful survivors. Download ‘RED FLAGS’
Fight with us, Fight for Hope!