Human Trafficking-There is a Way Out.
Your Support CAN
Save Her Life
What We Do
We provide recovery resources and services where women can heal, discover their identities, and fulfill their God-given purpose.
Get Involved
We are fighting an industry that hides in plain sight. It is shattering lives, destroying families and rendering victims hopeless and isolated. YET – There is hope!
Calendar of Events
Our events build awareness and gather resources to help prevent human trafficking, AND help us to build new lives for women who have suffered abundant traumas.
Igniting Hope
There is hope! We have seen lives amazingly transformed! From walking dead to beautiful glowing human beings!

Together- using time, talent, and treasure from people like you, we are able to build a support system to LOVE, RESTORE, & SUPPORT women recovering from sex trafficking and exploitation.
We have along-term restorative care home for women in Waukesha County.

If YOU need help to get away from a pimp, being sold for sex and feel trapped- there are options:
Call 833-599-FREE
We walk alongside women recovering from sex trafficking, exploitation, and prostitution. We have a safe home for women to find healing and restoration from all the abuses they have endured. Opportunities for growth & healing from sex abuse, emotional abuse, psychological abuse, physical abuse, spiritual abuse. All so woman can rebuild their life and find freedom and hope. We also love to present awareness and educational tools and training to those in our community for more prevention and intervention for more lives to live in freedom!