The real estate market continues to be HOT because there is a limited supply of homes available for those who want one. The inflation and worldwide struggles has yet to really impact the housing market. AND we (the board) decide we are ready to shop and find a home during this time…….
I had started a journal as I began this crazy journey* in April 2013. I wanted to document all the struggles AND all of God’s provision. I am now into my second journal, and we really have only just begun (after 8 years)!
*(A prior insurance agent and landscape company owner thinks she needs to open a restorative care home for women recovering from a shattered life of exploitation)

The prep work to get me ready to say ‘yes’ to whatever God was about to lead me into- was at least a 3 year journey. It was basically three years of asking ‘what did He plan for my life?’ I was tired of surviving and wanted more from this life. Over those years, I only read the Old Testament (I had preferred staying in the New Testament).
The book of Nehemiah was the one that I went back to that helped me to see how I should plan and walk out my CRAZY Ridiculous idea!
Nehemiah’s Journey:
- God broke Nehemiah’s heart and then God gave him a vision/dream.
- Nehemiah then begins this journey with a season of prayer and fasting.
- Nehemiah then seeks influence/ resources to make the plans.
- It was a continual struggle and had many leaders that fought against this plan, but he persevered.
Nehemiah asked and sought a lot for a CRAZY RIDICULOUS idea*. It took a lot work, a lot of people, perseverance, and included many set backs and continual faith that God would provide all that was needed. AND GOD DID!
*(It was to rebuild Judah that was in complete rubble. He was a servant of the King, no wealth, no network of supporters, and nothing to think that he could accomplish such a task.)

Exodus 33 shares similar wisdom:
- God’s presence will go before us
- We must continually seek Him and follow in faith
- It takes work and we are part of the team
- Must have a plan
- God fills in what we cannot do
- Often uncomfortable, but we must push through
- THEN GOD causes ‘the win’
2 Kings 3 shares another example:
- Do not quit
- God’s direction is rarely problem free
- Preparation proceeds provision
- Act in faith
- God ALWAYS has the solution
God showed me all the broken pieces in my life and weaved them together and brought redemption and restoration into my life. AND THEN – He broke my heart for all those still surviving with the shattered pieces. He wanted me to lead others to be His hands & feet in showing them that His love leads to redemption and restoration.
Women recovering from exploitation, their personhood completely shattered, NEED a HOME that provides continual LOVE, RESTORATION opportunities, and SUPPORT as a whole person. So they may have their first REAL chance to become who they were made to be!

We can do so much, but we can never do the complete work of redemption and restoration. Only God can. God wants us to be on His team! TOGETHER we ALL get to grow and be blessed by the works of HIS HANDS! AND WE WILL ALL WIN!
I consider this journey a privilege. It is an ADVENTURE with many wonderful people! I would LOVE for you to join with us! There is much to do and we always need wonderful people like you sharing your gifts, skills, time, and finances to continue moving forward in showing the way to REAL FREEDOM and a life worth living!
*Chaplain Krista Hull