Change can be good and sometimes change is not so good.
Even if change is a good thing it can still give you
- anxiety
- stress
- sleeplessness
- headaches
- stomachaches
Why? If a change is good for you, why would you suffer?
Well- because the unknown is scary .
For example, I just sold my house. It was a good sale to good people, and now I need to find a house in a very limited time. Its kind of exciting right but the unknown (where is the house- where will be live- will it be what we want) – that’s stressful!
I know I will still have a bed to sleep in no matter what we choose. I’ll have somewhere to go- even if its in an apartment temporally.
Even a good change that I really want brings anxiety and stress. So- even if it’s a good thing, it still has an element of being scary-
Could this be why it so hard for people- like YOU and ME- to make good changes?
The Logic– we accept the change or outcome is what we want. YET- our feelings make us question that logic. IS it really good for us? Or do we really need the change? Ambivalence can be a safer feeling to choose.
If the steps were certain, every bit of the process was certain- change would be so much easier. When it’s new to you…. those feelings…make us question.
So think about that. When was the last time you decided you needed to make a change about something –
- eating
- habits.
- social media
- TV
Were you successful the first try? Or did it take multiple tries to make the change?
Now consider a very big important change. How much harder that must be.
Like ending a relationship- many of you have probably experienced that in some form.
For most of us these changes take a lot more than will power – we need support, we need encouragement, we need the right information, we need the tools to be successful at making those changes or that change.
So now to blow your mind a little here…..
When I talk about the women that we have the privilege to walk alongside who have been broken in all 5 areas of being a human:
- physically
- emotionally
- psychologically
- relationally
- spiritually
That is overwhelming- just thinking in general- those five areas where changes and new patterns, new actions, new steps that have to be made!
over and over and over to make a new patterns
Yes, all to be to make positive- good -hopeful- beautiful changes.
I’m just talking about making basic positive steps in every one of these areas.
Are you overwhelmed yet? BUT WAIT…
MANY of these amazing women DO MAKE these changes.
With the tools, the support, the environment that empowers them to do the really hard things.
If you do not know- at Redeem and Restore Center, we have the privilege of walking alongside women who are restoring their lives after escaping sex trafficking & exploitation.
These women often inspire & encourage me by their determination and strength.
One of these remarkable survivors explains it like this:
“ When you are close to real change; it’s the most scariest, most beautiful, most awkward place to be.”
Change is hard for everyone. The more things need changing, the more support is needed to be successful.
Very simply- this is the reason for Redeem and Restore Center. Simple, Logical reasons for very complex struggles. The women are human. Like YOU. Like ME. They struggle, they hurt, and the pain is probably more than we can fully comprehend-
BUT we can understand ours & thiers of human needs. \
Can YOU see them as a human life that is still valuable?
Can YOU begin to see how hard it is for the women to change?
Our mission is to love restore and support them in everyway that is needed.
TOGETHER each doing what each of us can do- using our time, talent & treasure- we are able to be that support and offer options and tools to make many HARD changes. ALL for their freedom and restoration!
-Chaplain Krista Hull