Human Trafficking FACTS &
5 Things YOU CAN DO:
HT is SOMEONE using force and/or manipulation and/or lies to use them as a PRODUCT to be sold for thier own benefit.
HT is possible because of VULNERABILITIES people have: age, abuse, poverty, dreams…
HT happens where people are; More people = More Trafficking- Rural, Urban, City
HT is documented in ALL 72 counties of Wisconsin
66-90% of adults in the sex industry were victims of child abuse and/or trafficking
Most trafficked people in the USA are Americans; the majority are female
5 Things You Can Do:
- 1. LEARN & Engage: HT 101 & HT 102
- 2. SPEAK UP about cultural norms like: porn, strip clubs, hooking up, sexualized jokes
- 3. Raise awareness by sharing videos & posts on your social media
- 4. Invite us to speak at your business, church, school
- 5. Support Redeem and Restore Center by your time, talent, and financial