“The road is straight to the south, but it is said to be full of dangers.”, excerpt from Wizard of Oz
We all want quick fixes, short cuts, or take the pill so all will be good!
It often seems there are straight paths for our goals but yet they rarely go that well. Our life is a journey, and rarely do things go very straight and perfect. It is full of holes and turns.
You may even think it’s a very simple straight path to leave a life of exploitation and trafficking. I mean- who wouldn’t want a life of freedom from abuse and darkness?!?
Many even think: they just need to get a different job, choose to make good choices, or stop being a loser. But when you have not been shown love, or that you have any real value, AND shown by experience what you are worth by each person who pays for sex with you, beats you, arrests you, or shames you- You cannot see a way out or why you may even deserve something different.
Victims of exploitation and trafficking have experienced life shattering events that have shattered what makes them human. They have been shattered physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually.
Their journey to healing and restoration is a long arduous path. They even say it looks a lot like the game Chutes & Ladders. There is NOT a straight path for any of their healing.
It takes an amazing amount of grit, courage, and perseverance to keep fighting for a complete new life.
Survivors are the most inspiring people I have ever met. To watch them choose well is a beautiful gift. They are an inspiration to me every day! If they can choose to fight for something new and good for themselves, how can I ever want to quit or give up when things get hard for me?!?!
Want to learn how you can make an impact on a woman as she redeems & restores her life? Email us: Admin@redeemandrestore.org