As was the case with Dorothy in OZ, the journey to the restorative care home has been exciting, but difficult. The journey has brought new friends to walk alongside us, a wicked enemy with many lies and schemes to dissuade us, and more than a few wrong turns (or, they felt wrong at the time, but turned out to be blessings and/or lessons). Yet, we serve a God, who is much mightier than the great and powerful OZ; thus, we see the light ahead of us and give all glory to Him in whom we trust.
After 9 long years of faithful dedication from our board, volunteers, and countless supporters, we are on the verge of securing the restorative care home! The requirements for the home and property have been refined over the years, but the overall mission remains the same. To provide a restorative care home that can be a foundation to find healing from a life of exploitation and trafficking. The long list of requirements includes a quiet and private location in Southeast Wisconsin, with acreage, and a home with plenty of square footage for the survivors and administration. We continue to search for the property that God has prepared in advance for Redeem and Restore Center. He is at work, and we trust in His plan, timing, and provision.

We also believe that this will be just the first home that God will use through Redeem and Restore Center to show His love to these broken women. Thus, once the home is purchased, it is not the end of the journey, but instead, it is just the beginning of a new chapter!
YOU can be part of this journey and help to save a women’s life! You can partner with us; in whatever way you have been gifted. It will take an army of people from all around Wisconsin and beyond to provide the needed support for these women to start over and build a new life! While the home is certainly our ultimate goal, we continue to provide services and help survivors along the journey as well. This work continues each day, and the resources needed are immense!
Here are some ways you can help today:
- SPONSOR an EVENT like our upcoming Gala
- ATTEND a Fundraiser
- PRAY with us!
We thank each of you who have been walking with us on this ALMOST 9 year journey, and each newer supporter we have connected with along the way!! THANK YOU!!!!