A victorious story of faith, courage and surrender. She found this to be true: For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for […]
Life Empowered Podcast
Conversations and stories to inspire you to fulfill your God-given purpose. Where Chaplain Krista Hull hosts interviews we hope to encourage you to explore opportunities that facilitate growth, create excitement, and challenge you to reach your fullest potential in your journey.
Undervalued in Every Way -Ep 24
Nancy found her value through her courage & perseverance. She had a fighting spirit hiding under her doormat. No matter how long it takes- it is worth it! She was […]
Hero Crashed & Burned -Ep 23
He was a paratrooper, distorted recovery team, paramedic….and then he couldn’t even do the dishes. Adrenaline junkie crashed & burned, BUT he was able to find hope & life again. […]
We CAN overcome ANYTHING -Ep 22
Her ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) score of 8 said she would struggle with addiction and living life. YET, her courage and journey threw that out the door! SPONSORED BY: Redeem […]
Seeing the Unprotected Ep. 21
Many have lived similarly to Lisanne- a life of poverty, neglect, abuse. The damage does not get wiped away when you become an adult. We all want to be known, valued […]
Sins too Great- Ep 20
Hurt at work- Hooked on pain meds. Then a heart attack, arrested and another heart attack. Change seemed impossible. Miraculously he lived but had to learn how to be […]